Schleppenbach Family Chiropractic is located at the corner of North Barstow & Wisconsin Street in downtown Eau Claire.
Phone: 715-836-7700
Location: 302 N Barstow St Eau Claire, WI
Monday: 10:00-12:15 & 2:30-5:45
Tuesday: 1:30-5:45
Wednesday: 10:00-12:15 & 2:30-5:45
Thursday: 10:00-12:15 & 2:30-5:45
Friday: By Appointment
At Schleppenbach Family Chiropractic, we offer the latest in rehabilitative and corrective chiropractic care. We accomplish this using
At Schleppenbach Family Chiropractic we believe the best time for a patient to begin chiropractic care is when they are children.
Schleppenbach Family Chiropractic is located at the corner of North Barstow and Wisconsin Street in downtown Eau Claire.
Dr. Schleppenbach is a Chippewa Valley native, having grown up in Chippewa Falls and then attending UWEC. Upon completion of